Sharing resources from the Library is easy! Each page of the Library includes a share button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page:
When you click “Share”, you are presented with five options:
Share via Email
Clicking on the email icon will open your local mail service and pre-populate the email Subject and include the Library title and Library resource link in the body of the email. Enter the recipient’s email address and any other instruction in the body of the email and click Send.
Share to Google Classroom
Sharing to Google Classroom will require you to have created a Google Classroom prior to attempting to share a resource – clicking on the Google Classroom icon will open a browser window and prompt you to select your Classroom. After selecting your classroom, choose an action (Create Assignment, Ask Question, Make an Announcement, Create Material) in which to include the resource and click "Go". Your resource will be linked to your selected action in Google Classroom.
Share to Facebook
Sharing to Facebook will require you to have created a Facebook account prior to attempting to share a resource – clicking on the Facebook icon will open a browser pop-up window and prompt you for your credentials. Once logged into Facebook, you can select how you share (Post to your Newsfeed, Your Story, in a Message, or to a Group Page). When posting to Facebook, you can include a custom message in addition to the linked resource. Click "Submit" or "Send" based upon your selected Facebook sharing method.
Share to Twitter
Sharing to Twitter will require you to have created a Twitter account prior to attempting to share a resource.licking on the Twitter icon will open a browser pop-up window and prompt you for your credentials. Once logged into Twitter, you can include a custom message in addition to the linked resource. Click "Tweet" to share the resource.
Share via Hyperlink
The hyperlink can be copied to your clipboard and pasted onto a website page, into a PDF document, included in a text, or used as a footer link in your email signature. When using the hyperlink method for sharing, be sure to include informative text for your hyperlink (i.e. the link text may read "Visit My College and Career Library").